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Excellent Opportunity: Open Pit Gold Mine in Punitaqui, Limarí, Coquimbo, Chile

Industrial for Sale located 57 km east of the commune of Monte Patria.

For sale Deposit of 3,000 Mineralized Hectares especially in Gold, Copper, Cobalt and Molybdenum, analyzed in 2019, with reports and registered mining properties, with all its ore on the surface available for extraction. There is a copper mantle 20 meters wide and 80 meters continuous. If you want to explore you can reserve and acquire exclusivity on the ground to analyze.

Las Lejanas Project is located 57 km east of the Monte Patria commune, in the town of Punitaqui, in the Coquimbo Region, very close to large areas of hydrothermal alteration that are covered by mining companies such as Barrick’s Coipa Project, Cordillera Project of BHP Billiton and Minera Vale, among others, close to several exploration projects in this district, where high-potential porphyry copper exploration programs are being carried out.

The Lejanas Project corresponds to an exploration project with manifestations of hydrothermal alteration and copper mineralization on the surface, its grades have anomalies of copper, cobalt, molybdenum and gold, located in the Miocene strip of the Fourth Region, which makes it attractive for other companies.

The mine does NOT have studies, only analysis. For its IN SITU review, it is required to sign a letter of intent to purchase (LOI) and give a guarantee of USD 100,000 that proves its exclusive entry to the property, to review the land with its team of geologists, take samples for analysis with your mining company or group of investors and sweep the entire surface.

Strategic partners are also being sought to carry out a more complete study of the deposit.
This company contemplates the participation of 25% of the final sale or production.
Request KMZ (2) + Plans, extra information related to the zone in Gold and Cobalt.

Link Google Map Location

Sale Price: US$ 6.2 Million


Studies of the Coquimbo Zone:

This study has been carried out at the express request of the Vice Presidency of CORFO, developed through the. Non-Metallic Mining Commission (CMNM) of the same institution. This attached study (1 and 2), is an original proposal generated by SERNAGEOMIN for CORFO. The most prominent geologists in Chile analyzed high concentrations of Gold and Cobalt, with super-giant to monstrous deposits of the porphyry copper type of central Chile. These deposits occur in the main Andes mountain range, close to the Chile-Argentina border in the Coquimbo region.

Who in deep research with Advanced Mining Technology Center (AMTC) and Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences University of Chile, developed the following general report which is attached to this email later.
Those interested can be notified as soon as we can schedule a field visit with their technical staff and geologists. They may also take samples for internal analysis. Who will receive them will be their own owner of the “LEJANAS” property to give them directions on how to get there.
Now if they need to generate a more in-depth study with test pits, soil scanner, drilling, etc. This would have to be with a guarantee of 10% of the value of the mining property and with a maximum term of 3 to 6 months, depending on weather conditions (ideally summer).

Important: There are 4 projects together (neighbors) with the LEJANAS, which belong to: BARRICK, BHP, MINERA VALE. Supposedly deposits of gold and rare earths, which have already been speculated on in international markets. Contact has not yet been made with them, but it is being evaluated for the coming months.
Request documents, patents, reports, analysis of existing minerals in the field and surface laws.
Tentative Offers Accepted During Your Visit.

Lejanas Mining Project in Limarí, Coquimbo, Chile

[5.000 ha]

Total area

[3.000 ha]

Production Area
[Gold, Copper, Cobalt, Molybdenum]

[US$ 6.2 Million]


We offer a complete range of commodities originating in South America.


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