Our Team

[ our skills ]

Only High Quality Team

We are constantly growing, learning, and improving and our partners are steadily increasing. We are the force that helps boost agribusiness in South America.

dedication and perseverance
Commitment to our customers
Professionalism and confidentiality
Focus on results
[ our professionals ]

Meet Our Skilled Team

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years of experience
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Offices Worldwide
[ testimonials ]

What People Say

“We had a lot of difficulties in developing a supply chain for food products from Argentina, after many failed attempts, they recommended us to contact Global Sky Business, thanks to their extensive knowledge of the Argentine market and their list of different food supply producers, we were able to develop 2 suppliers that were adapted to our needs, we have already shipped two shipments from Argentina with products of excellent quality and really competitive prices, we have the support of Global Sky Business to search for future sources of supply of South American products.”
Kristine L.
Purchasing Manager Importer from Germany
"We trusted Global Sky Business, we were looking for a serious supplier to import animal protein from Brazil, they connected us with who is today our main supplier, facilitating all the negotiation and getting a competitive price for our company."
Nicolau S.
South Africa customer
“Thanks to Global Sky Business we were able to close a contract with a South American company of agricultural products, we have spent months trying to find a supply from South America without being able to find serious suppliers and product availability, only with the support and help of Global Sky, we were able to specify our business.”
Stefan R.
England customer

We offer a complete range of commodities originating in South America.


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