Brazilian soybean exports grow 260% in the first two months of 2022
B razil also registered an increase of 50% in shipments of soybean meal and 80% in soybean oil, compared to the first two months of 2021.
The export of soybeans in grain in Brazil grew 260% in the first two months of this year, in comparison with the same period last year.
In the first two months of 2022, the country shipped 9.7 thousand tons, against 2.7 thousand in 2021, establishing a new record for the period.
Second or content director of Canal Rural, Giovani Ferreira, in 2021, the export performance of the oilseed was atypical.
“Not last year, in this period, the exports were detrimental due to a severe delay in the harvest caused by the late planting of the 2020/21 season and rain that would make it difficult to access the labor,” explains Ferreira.
“We are going to recover the previous export record for the two months, which was in 2018, when we exported little more than 7 thousand tons. Likewise, this year, we are very much on top of this volume, with an intense rhythm in exportation”, he says.

Second or content director of the Rural Channel, or the scene generates a concern. “We are going to have a smaller harvest of soybeans and the market is very stressed because of the price. Not last year, when Brazil set an export record, we produced more than 130 thousand tons of soybeans. This year, we are still shorting 120 million tons or less. Isso vai afetar the domestic consumption and exportação. Not in the second semester, perhaps, it is necessary to rationalize consumption and reduce exports. I need a lot of attention in this market so that we don’t have a scenario of scarcity”, he affirms.
I do not complex soybeans, or the export scenario in the first two months was also not different. In the first two months of 2022, Brazil shipped 3.1 thousand tons of soybean farelo (50% more compared to the same period in 2021) and 300 thousand tons of soybean oil (80% more).
“The international market will continue to suffer in the coming months, and we must pay attention to how we are going to behave and how we are going to deal with internal consumption”, he complements.
According to Giovani Ferreira, or Brazil will not have wheat supply problems, due to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.
“The country is not self-sufficient in wheat and imports part of the cereal used here, but we import from Argentina, Paraguay, some things from Canada. Russia, even being a great exporter, does not supply to Brazil”, he explains.
O cenário, no entanto, explains the content director of Canal Rural, it will be a price increase.
“As we are already observing, at a rate fired from the beginning of the conflict. Upon demand for wheat, prices will increase and prices will be increased. Isso means increase in price of masses and costs of livestock production”.